
Surely, Someday

The rain is pouring out

Giving chills to my warm heart

Through the window pane

Thoughts flooded my brain
Maybe somewhere in a faraway land

Someone is meant to hold my hand

To comfort in pains, to correct the wrongs

To breathe fresh air into the lungs
To watch sunsets and sunrise

To dry the tears from my eyes

To share the hopes of tommorow

To connect deeply through the skin down to the marrow
To witness the skies turned gray to clear

To sing lullabies and music to the ear

To witness the blooming and fading of a rose

To bring tickle and aroma to the nose
To cross borders and boulders

To rest my head on his shoulders

To bring out each other’s best

Or to simply lie on his chest
To drink tea, coffee or wine

To wrap his arms around my spine

To share secrets and cooking tips

To bring thousand kisses to the lips
We may be separated now by oceans or just a river

Like blood knows its path to the liver,

I know our feet will find its way

Not maybe, but surely, someday.